Here are a few videos and interviews about painting, art, music, inspiration, creativity, accountability meetings and other fun stuff. Thanks for being here!
Very excited to share my conversation with the amazing Kate Shepard! Listen and follow Creative Genius Podcast. Kate is so passionate about making sure we stay in touch with our creativity. I adore the way Kate shows up in the world and I really enjoyed talking with her about art, life and everything in-between. More places to connect with Kate here:
Listen to The Creative Genius Podcast with Kate Shepherd
The See-Saw Project, A fabulous collection of conversations about art and artists with Kina Crow, Chris Dahlquist and Beth Bojarski. Check out my See-Saw '“visiting artist” video below, A Visit to the Art Fort.
I recently had a lovely chat with SavvyPainterPodcast.. Antrese is wonderful, and has a huge library of artist interviews. Check out our podcast here
Here is a little taste of my online classes...
Online classes with Florida artist Lynn Whipple. "The Joy of Collage," "The Joy of Mixed-Media Assemblage," and "2015: Year of the Spark!" via
Karen Duncan and I have weekly accountability meetings, here is a snippet, for more visit my YouTube Channel
One of my favorite online classes, Bib Bold Bloom Wild Painting! Available as a self study!
100 Bad Paintings - a video for anyone interested in creating.
See more videos on my youtube channel.
Make Art! words of encouragement.