Shows / Events
Home time!
For now, all of our art shows and workshops have been put on hold, but we hope to see you soon!
Stay Creative and make art! xoxo Lynn
Cherry Creek Arts Festival! July 6, 7, 8 2018
Cherry Creek Arts Festival is a celebration of art, great food, music, family and friends. Join John and me for a wonderful weekend in one of Denver's most beautiful area's. For more info, click here!
Book Signing with Lynn Whipple- “Expressive Flower Painting: Simple Mixed Media Techniques for Bold Beautiful Blooms”
Please come and say hi and help us celebrate my new book, Expressive Flower Painting: Simple Mixed Media Techniques for Bold Beautiful Blooms on October 7th from 6 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. at McRae Art Studios’ ( new location in Orlando. McRae’s address is at 1000 Arlington Street. Light refreshments, including beer and wine, will be served. All are welcome to peruse all the art at the Studio and mix and mingle with me and other artists in attendance. I will be signing books at 7:00 p.m. and there will be books available for purchase at the event. Let's have some fun!
Triple Book Signing with Diane Culhane and Carla Sonheim in Pioneer Square, Sept 7, 2017
I am thrilled to announce that two of my favorite artists, Diane Culhane, Carla Sonheim and I will be doing a joint book signing at Clementine's in Pioneer Square in Seattle, Washington on September 7th for the first Thursday Art Walk.
Diane's new book "If you can Doodle you can Paint" by Quarry Books is marvelous! Chock full of her gorgeous artwork, tons of ideas and exercises. This is one of those books that every artist would love to have on their shelf!
My new book "Expressive Flower Painting, Techniques for Bold Beautiful Blooms" by Quarry Books will be out August 8th, and I will be very excited to share it with you.
Join us at Clementine's one of the cutest and most stylish shops around!
New In Person Workshop! Big Bold Bloom Wild Painting Retreat!
Painting, drawing, contemporary art making in a stunning natural setting with Lynn Whipple. We will be inspired by working with beautiful blooms. Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Join the fun! Download registration form or Register Online Now!

Floral and Still Life Exhibit
J.A. Willy Gallery
Featured artists: Lynn Whipple and Wanda Kemper with various works by other gallery artists
McRae Art Studios Holiday Open House Dec 12, 13
Join us for the fun on Friday December 12, 2014 6 to 9 and Saturday December 13, 2014 4-9 Come visit my studio and the studios of 20 plus great artists!
Canaveral National Seashore Paint Out
A beautiful Plein Air Painting event with 26 artists celebrating and raising money for programs for the Canaveral National Seashore. I am so happy to be a part of this lovely week.
Cherry Creek Art Festival July 4, 5, 6 2014
One of my favorite shows of the year!! Come to Denver's Cherry Creek shopping district for loads of fantastic art, food, music and more.
St. Louis Art Fair
I'll be doing another favorite show in September. Come see me and buy some art on the streets at the St. Louis Art Fair.
Local Color Weekend Plein Air
I am participating in a plein air painting event in august, one of my very favorite things to do in the world! This one is sponsored by the amazing Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art located in New Hope, PA.