I had a great time painting in New Hope I participated in the Local Color Weekend which was put on by Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art. Loved it!
Good mOrning Project
I have searched out the most beautiful thing I could find every morning, usually in my own backyard, and taken a photograph of it to share.
My Good mOrning Project has been ongoing for nearly five years .....WOW.....that is.....math.......1825 images and counting!
enjOy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoox
Here's a weeks worth!!
So many lovely mornings!
Back on the dock after a lovely travel up north.
My favorite place! Xoxxo home
More pretty. Sitting on the dock!
Positive ripples out into the world
Nice to have your feet in the water today. Xoxo
Apple pie
Is what I want for breakfast XOXXO
Morning glory!!
It's a beaut!!!
Calming, ahhhhhh
No clouds and a soft breeze.
Home is a beautiful place to be
Our lake is a gift everyday. Xoxo
Some pretty!
Our smilestick project! #fun
Abiquiu NM
A Georgia O Keefe flower :)
A lovely spot!!
More beauty in Colorado!!
G r a t e f u l
Pretty spot on our hike in telluride :)
Out in the woods
Walk to school
Great day!! We found the winning rock!!
BoulderRocks.com scavenger hunt!!
Yay!! Todd and Kiaralinda and john and I have searched all week!!
Funny face
Daisy day
Wonderland lake
Yes it is! XOXXO